Saturday, December 12

X Day 89 - Stretch X for 1/2 Marathon

Stretch X - Just for grins I did Stretch X. It is the first time I have ever stretched for an hour straight. I have to admit that I do feel much more limber and nothing hurts. Aside for a good night sleep, I think I am ready to go for tomorrow.

I am also going to do some carbs too to get my glycogen levels up. I am thinking wheat pancakes for breakfast, a little pasta and chicken for lunch, and then blue fish tonight. I will get fish, rice and some veggies.

I am not eating any hard to digest stuff today like beans, high fiber veggies, or steak.

I also plan to drink about 1.5 gal of water today and no coffee or tea.

Tomorrow I will down a promax bar first thing, a bananna 30 min before the race and GU during the race every 30 min. I plan to bring three GUs.

B: 3 Wheat Pancakes with sugar free syrup 300 + 1 fried egg 100

S: cheese 70, bar 160, 2 tangerine 100, apple 100

L: slice pizza 350

D: Blue Fish. I wlll keep it to 800 calories to finish the day at 2000.


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