Thursday, November 12

X Day 58 - Plyo

Down to 225# after the Chicago trip.  I was worried I had gained weight and I actually lost 3 lbs.   So I am still ay my .6 lbs per day.  I should be in the teens by next Monday or Tuesday and I should land at 206 at the end of P90X.  I will need to do 2 more weeks to get solidly in the 190s and out of the 200s.  Maybe a couple long training runs and the 1/2 marathon will help too.

If I was not steadiliy loosing weight, this would be so much harder.  Now it is just a matter of time.

Plyometrics -  Only went over 160 once and really brought it

2 Scoops Amp 185

S: 3 oz tuna 80
L: Freebirds Bowl 400
D: Progresso Soup and Saltines  200
S: almonds and 1 hot dog 235


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