Tuesday, April 13

Musings 13: My Caffeine - Sweetener Habit

I did an experiment today and have not had any caffeine.  I just drank water in place of the normal 2-4 cups of coffee and 1-2 coke zeros I usually have.  All day I have been lethargic and have had a light headache.

I found a bunch of web sites that say this is normal:

In addition to the caffeine, I know I am intaking way too much unnatural sweeteners and I keep reading about how they are bad for you and most likely are carcinogenic.  It would really suck to get everything else squared away and get cancer from sweeteners.

I feel like I have enough discipline in my eating realm that I can start dialing in my caffeine drinking.  I am going to stop with coffee for a while and limit myself to boring old water.

These articles say I will have hangover like symptoms for a 3-5 days then it should be over.

It will be interesting to see what effects this has in the near term, but I am confident that long term, all these artificial sweeteners and caffeine are dangerous.


  1. Please step back from the ledge. You are about to jump.

  2. It will be interesting to see what effects this has in the near term, but I am confident that long term, all these artificial sweeteners and caffeine are dangerous.
