Saturday, July 3

First Barefoot Run

Reading Born to Run has inspired me to try barefoot (well, near barefoot) running.  I went out and dropped $85 on a pair of Vibrim Five-Fingers today and went running as soon as I got home.

Here is what they look like:

Everyone says to start slow, so I didn't even put on running shorts.  I just headed out, planning on going about 1/4 mile.  Once there, I was just starting to get my pace and decided to go further.  At a mile I was starting to feel good, so I committed to the stone table loop and knocked out two miles.  I sprinted at top speed up the hill at the end.  I ran about 1/2 on pavement and 1/2 on grass/dirt.

I can sum up the experience in one word - WOW!

I woke up today with very sore achilles tendons.  They have been sore for weeks and I have just been running through it.  I have not been able to do jump squats and even heel lifts have been painful.  After the little run today, the pain was gone - GONE!!!

I am not kidding.  I have absolutely no pain fo the first time in months.  I have no clue why, but this is what everyone said would happen.  I am soooooo excited!  What if I am about to unlock my running by eliminating the pain from my bad gait?  This could change everything!  Stay tuned.

BTW - check out this cool video on the Vibrims from Wired:

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