Monday, January 31

Slow Carb Diet

I hit 200 lbs about a year ago and have not been able to get any leaner.  I would like to get in the 8% BF range and hold it for running efficiency and because it looks really good.  They say every pound you take off is a minute off your marathon.  I figure I have about 10 lbs I can drop and that should get me near 3:10.  So.  I am back on a lean, protien centric diet.  I have been looking for something simple that I could experiment with and last week I tripped on the new "Four Hour Body" book.  Tim has developed a very simple "slow carb" diet that is basically just protiens, veggies and beans six days a week and then a full on Bacchus level cheat day.

Sheri is doing it too.  I will check in in two weeks and see if it has unlocked my frustrating plateau.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike,

    I would be really interested in hearing how this is working out for you. I'm considering starting a slow carb plan myself whilst I am on my way back from a few IT band problems, however I'm a little worried how the relatively low carb levels will affect my running when I start up again.


