Wednesday, January 26

The Dare

I want to throw down a little smack tonight. I am going to dare you to do some things. If you just take on two to three of these as a challenge your life will be better for it.

I Dare You To:
1. Go to bed without watching TV and try to be asleep by 10 pm.
2. Get up by 5 am and finish your workout by 6:30
3. Make breakfast the biggest meal of your day
4. Ruthlessly seek out protien and treat white carbs like poison
5. Try a new workout variant every week - yoga variant, focused resistance, running model (speed, distance, hills), core, skiing, p90X, Crossfit, whatever
6. Challenge a buddy - make a bet on weight loss or race time or some other common goal and hold them accountable.
7. Find a running group and make them your pre dawn family a couple times a week.
8. Enter a race and plan to run a PR at least two times this year.
9. Test conventional wisdom. Will running make you skinny? Is fat bad? is it all about calories?
10. Force yourself to take a rest day once a week.
11. Pig out once a week ( not on the rest day ).
12. Write down everything you eat ( except on pig out day ).
13. Start a fitness blog and tell everyone about it.
14. Don't let bad days derail you for more than 5 minutes - ever
15. Figure out the big thing that is driving your fitness plans and write it somewhere you will see every day.
16. Make it a habit to spend your first waking minute in bed convincing your self that this will likely be the best day of your life. Assume that nothing will get in your way to having a phenomenal day.
17. Stop hanging out with negative people. Find positive people and use and feed them.
18. Say something encouraging and nice to someone every day (even if you do not like them)
19. Make it your mission to learn something meaningful every day. Ask dumb questions. Read. Read more.
20. Figure out your SO's love language and talk to her in that language at least once a day. The 5 love languages are - touch, quality time, gifts, service and encouraging words
21. Stop watching TV. There's nothing but little people making chocolate and hoarding 19 kids at Sarah Palin's Alaska anyhow.
22. Cook something. Try to make it yummy.
23. Patiently Learn a new hard skill like guitar, programming, woodworking, sailing, public speaking, knitting, painting, etc...

That's a good starting list. I will add more as I think of them.

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