Tuesday, June 7

315lb Bench Press Working Sets

Holy crap.  It has been forever since I posted.  I need to come back to this more.  I was  looking at the site stats and there is quite a bit of traffic.  About 10000 people hit this blog every month.  I am hoping it is helping people find a path to fitness.

Anyhow, a couple years ago, I got the marathon thing out of my head and have moved on to serious weight lifting.  In early 2015, I could barely do one rep on bench at 225 (2 Plates).   I was shocked one day when I was at the gym and watched this dude knocking out working sets with 3 plates (315 lb).  AND NO SPOTTER.

I decided that I wanted to take that goal on.  It would be my new BQ (Boston Qualifier).  So, I have been lifting.  A Lot.  For 18 months now.  My standard bench routine is two warm up sets with something light like 185lb.  Then I start the working sets.  I put enough on that I fail at 4-6 reps. To do this right, I definitely need a spotter.  Over the last year, I have been adding about 10 lbs per month to my working sets.

This week, I did my first legit set on flat bench with 315lbs.  3 PLATES!!!!  Now I am that guy at the gym.

To get to this point, I have been feeding a lot.  I was not making any strength progress when I was on a calorie deficit.

Now, I am carrying a bit more fat than I want.  So last week I started a cut.  I am running about a 1000 cal per day deficit like I did in the old P90X days.  That means I am eating about 1300 calories per day max.  I am about 6 days in and the fat is definitely dropping off.  I am gonna keep rolling with this for the next 60 days and see where I am at in July.

I want to see what a carved version of my 3PLATE self looks like!

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